Or to give also on behalf of your family members


How we spend each £1 we recieve


As part of our #ProudOfYourPound subscription scheme, we’re asking for just £1 a month to help The Trust fund our three-pillar approach while ensuring funds are available to aid the longevity of our work.


We educate

Through national TV and press coverage, dedicated information and resources for schools and workplaces, we channel our work into educating the public on the seriousness of nut allergies - to help prevent the tragedy which has changed Amy’s life from happening again.


We help & support Amy

The restaurant responsible for Amy’s tragedy held no public liability insurance, therefore no compensation could be claimed to fund the multiple therapies which are essential to allow Amy to rehabilitate, to progress and to maintain her comfort. Alongside education and raising vital awareness, The Trust meets 100% of Amy’s therapy and rehabilitation costs.


We campaign

We work closely with The Department for Transport, governing bodies, industry and individual UK airlines to improve the safety of air travel for nut allergy sufferers. Our petition now boasts 350,000+ signatures and a growing list of airlines making a change, including EasyJet and Flybe.



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