£1 weekly subscription

£1 weekly subscription

£1.00 every week

By gifting The Amy May Trust £1 a week, we will ensure that your money goes towards the three pillars of our organisation.

  1. Funds received will continue to secure Amy’s multiple therapist costs. Amy is then maintaining the best opportunity to continue to improve her movement, understanding and communication - therefore maximising her potential. In other tragic, life-changing cases, these needs would usually be met in abundance by a compensation claim. This was denied to Amy due to the negligence of the restaurant responsible for holding no public liability insurance.

  2. Your monthly contribution will aid the growth of our educational programmes and help us to roll these lessons out throughout schools, colleges and workplaces across the UK. We strongly believe education around anaphylaxis and nut allergies is the key to preventing a tragedy such as Amy’s from ever happening to another family. 

  3. Your generosity would aid the work that we do in campaigning for a safer environment for those who live with nut allergies - helping to reach the audience that it deserves.

If everyone in our community gave just £1 a week, the benefits to Amy would be huge and would help us to strive to deliver safer and better-informed schools, workplaces and public environments for those with severe anaphylaxis. 

Are you #ProudOfYourPound? 
